Random Threads – Member Spotlight

Tom White

October 2023

"If one looks back in time in the fastener industry, 1980 to the present, some themes hold true. Distributors must satisfy their customers and select vendors well while staying profitable. As the economy changes and demand wanes, the distributor must be nimble, flexible, and strategic. The above are part of the ABCs of a distributor’s service. With the current economy in a slowdown, and the end users of products beginning to buy less (and when they do buy, buy in smaller quantities), one should consider how might this very normal trend affect my distributorship.

The input WTC is privileged to receive and/or participate in reflects the differences of the thinking of individual distributorships and their observations of the economy as it affects their businesses. There are common themes and special thinking. We thought we might share our summary thoughts with our Pac-West associates."

Read the full article here.

Would you like to share your experience? Contact Amy Nijjar [email protected]